Rejection is a mental construct...and a questionable mental construct can only be combatted with another mental construct. Everyone is responsible for their life, whatever their origin, religion or physical situation….. But that life in society and the social need of human beings imply watching over everyone in the accomplishment of their journey….. However, statism and the standardization of society have favored individualism and withdrawal into self and the rejection of difference, perceived as disturbing to the established order. Handi Buddy emojis must be used to translate this vision into concrete actions in everyday life. FRENCH : Le rejet est une construction mentale … une construction mentale contestable peut être combattue only avec une autre construction mentale. Chacun est responsable de sa vie, quelque que sois son origine, sa religion ou sa situation physique ….. Mais que la vie en société et le besoin social de l’être humain impliquent de veiller sur chacun dans l’accomplissement de son parcours ….. Hors, l’Etatisme et la standardisation de la société ont favorise l’individualisme et le repli sur soi et le rejet de la différence , percue comme dérangeante pour l’ordre etabli. Les emojis Handi Buddy doivent être utilises pour transcrire cette vision en actes concrets dans la vie de tous les jours . At 25 years old, I lost my left leg because of a cancer .... I am 47 years old now ! and still not with a prosthetic leg. At 25 years old , after my master degree, I was .... not any more a human being, lost for the society like show this petition I had launchedé-a-t-il-le-droit-de-signer-un-acte-authentique-chez-un-notaire-en-france I never experienced warm support in my bright years as a man ! I have a lot of accomplishements, alone , ON TWO CRUTCHES (coaching, cinema , gemmology, movie producing, and economical expertise through monetary knowledge ) Why have you fear of a person who is coping with disease or trauma, and need only an area to re build ? you have fear to be judged and to judge. Social norms are becoming mad ! but they are so painful ... I will never know the bright years of a man with 2 legs .... NEVER Fear of judgement is the sign of inner unbalance ... when we feel good, the opinion of other people don t care. and we shine. People have fears and also very egoistic ! But for egoism , the game is lost. For fears , something can do done. The emoji hands Buddy is the sign that you will have ZERO fear to deal with any disabled as equal ... and be supportive ! Each person is responsible for his own life, but disabled people does not fit with social standings , so it s a negative weight ! please withdraw this weight .... show each person deserve to follow his own journey with a human support !


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